It gives me profound joy when I look up into the searingly hot summer sky and know that the stars are still there.
They are hidden from my eyes by the intense light of the summer sun, and yet; they are there.
Their gentle, comforting, beauty, their attached mystery, and awe, still there.
Unseen. Yet there.
As the sun sets, I begin to see them once again; my heart is soothed. It is not that they are back. It is that they never left.
Mystery is there.
The wish that comes with the first-star sighting, stirs in me the continuity of unseen forces.
Unseen realities…
Objects that disappear, but do not cease to exist, tantalize the very core of thought processes.
Unseen stars on a wearisome summer day, incite in me, profound wonder and unexplainable joy.
Concrete concepts: abstract meaning.