She was sitting in a restaurant in a tiny Texas town. From my vantage point, all I could see was the back of her beautiful baby blue prom dress. Such sparkle!
She had smooth, long brown hair, clipped back with rhinestone barrettes.
It was a strange dichotomy. Her glitz and glitter was a bold contrast to the decor of the small Mexican Food cafe, decorated with clay pots, southwestern art, and years of grease and sweat.
My attention was drawn to her while I tried to appear inconspicuous. I could not, however, stop staring. She was seated with elderly parents or neighbors. Then I saw it. She was wearing flip-flops.
She was either braver than I, flaunting this fashion faux pas; or, she was on my-side of crazy.
As I watched transfixed, I see her turn her head. She is not a teenage prom queen.
She must be at least fifty years old.
It is now clear. She IS on my-side of crazy. Good for you, lady. Wear your sparkle. Shine in the middle of the day, even when others find it odd or inappropriate.
I admire your lack of inhibition.
Your disregard for society-imposed fashion– well, quite remarkable.
You certainly piqued my curiosity.
I, like you, want glitter in the middle of the day.