I often write about Dawn and gentle breezes, of the wind and birds.
I write of these because of the deep darkness and gale-force winds I have experienced in my life.
I write of them from a perspective of deep gratitude.
I write of them for my future self, to remind her of beauty and the power of soul solace.
I have lived with mental illness, untimely death, tragic consequences, and through the suicide of one who was part of my soul.
My writings are simplistic.
I am not.
I am thankful that through my darkest night, there was meaning.
I was unaware at the time that I was growing.
I write to encourage those who need an anchor in a stormy sea.
I write for those blinded by hurricane-force winds.
I write for me, and I write for you.
Storms are not a constant.
Growth is often painful and seemingly unbearable.
There is, however, True Light.
There is Reason.
Hold tight.
Life is precious.
Even when blinded by pain, I purpose to seek momentum.
Will you?
Hold tight.
You have meaning.
Tomorrow will dawn. Please be here.