Why did Christ Die

When Jesus went to the Cross, was it for me?

When he was hanging on the Cross, was He looking to the future and seeing me.


He was looking to His Father.

His Father was not looking back at him.

The devastation of being tortured, wracked with pain and suffering must have been of great concern to Jesus, but even greater? While he was looking at his Father; his Father was not looking back.

“My God. My God, why have you forsaken me?”

Had there been a misstep? Did the divine plan go, somehow, wrong?

When Jesus was forsaken; I do not think that he was looking thousands of years into the future and saying to himself, “Everything will be okay, though, because someday my love will save Jana.”

God Almighty knows.

He knows the beginning from the end.

The devastating reality of bearing the weight of the world; sin’s assault: the cost of the Cross of Christ? Complete separation! GOD our Father, turning away from the ONE who took the sins of the world; from beginning to end, and took them to His death, even death on the cross.


He died for his Father.

He died for humanity’s great sin. He died for us all, but

more importantly…

more significantly…

in the unfolding of Time’s great theme:

He died for his Father.

He died for himself.

He died to grant humanity the one true way to reconciliation with the One True GOD.

Sin’s cruel bite was destroyed as we, again, were offered true choice.

Once the children of Adam and Eve were born as slaves to their choice of disobedience.

Christ died to break the yoke of sin’s inevitability.

It was a Great Plan that offers each one of us in this human race, a chance to win at the Finish Line.

We are no longer doomed to eternal separation from God’s holiness.

The Father looked away from his son who was embodying the sins of entirety; not just the sins of Jana. He looked away from SIN on the cross.

Jesus became sin for (me) that I might become the righteousness of God.


“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”


This in my opinion is why Christ died.

Do you have an opinion?

You need an opinion.

2 Corinthians 5:21 NIVUK (quoted above)

And Romans 5:8