Her Best End

She has run the Race. She has shown strength, dignity and tenacity. Her joy and smile are contagious, and she has offered them automatically and generously to all who needed warmth, who needed light, or who just needed a friendly reminder that the end of THIS race is not the end.

How could she possibly know?
My mother is not a theologian. My mother is not scientist, or a scholar. Instead: my mother is a tender, warm heart, always willing to share the little warmth and the little light she has, to those who find themselves in cold, dark places.

What then, is her best End?
Her best End will be the realization that as she leaves this hostile world, she enters a LIGHT and WARMTH that she could not have possibly fathomed.

My desire is to hold her hand as she transitions from here to There; however, it is not necessary.

I know.

There will be light for her blinded eyes and warmth for her chilled soul.

“And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”

Her BEST End…?

My mother’s glorious beginning.

(Revelation‬ ‭21‬:‭23‬ ‭ESV‬‬