I met a new Wind.
I asked him, “From where did you come, and where are you going?”
He answered, “I came from where I was. I am going to where I will be.”
It struck me; our commonality.
“Are you blown by force or do you choose your path? Do you meander through the glade and whisper through the trees, or are you compelled along by nature’s cruelty?
“I ask you the same,” said the wind in a lofty breeze. “Why are you here to question me?
Do you chose your path? I must boldly ask.
We met in the the moment you saw my force. I would not have stopped but you questioned my course.
Be on your way now, to tell your tale of when you spoke with the wind.
Go where you are going, but remember where you have been.”
I met a new Wind.