a sad song (someday)

It’s a sad, sad song:

filled with yearnings, and tears.

It’s a sad, sad song:

filled with longings; unfulfilled for years.

A song of love lost, and yet to be found…

a heart that knows the cost

of turning around-

turning and walking the other way,

turning and walking, while wanting to stay.

A broken woman: needing to mend

waiting- but not willing for Heaven to send


not a brother,

not a mother,

not a friend- but a lover

to hold my fears

to wipe my tears…

to hear my heart before I speak-

to know my mind when I am weak.

I need to cry- need to know why…

A broken woman: waiting for dawn

wanting; and willing, to just hold on.

Night is so long.

Dark is so deep.

I sing my song.

I hope to reap- LOVE

keep- LOVE…

but I walk away, on a sad, sad day.

May the Love that I have sown

come back full grown:



Author: Jana Horton

I write to soothe my soul. I empty my words onto napkins, scraps of paper, receipts... anything really. When I was very young my mom told me to stop writing on my hand. I never did. I write on it to this day. I’ve lost so many scraps of Self on soggy napkins; I’ve yet to lose my hand. The words I scribble there may wash off, but since they are inscribed in my soul, once they are released, from heart to hand, I am allowed to let them go.

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