I am a time- gapper.
I live my life caught between six generations. I fill a gap in time that reaches from distant past to unknown future.
I knew and received love from those who were born in the 18th century.
I see the kinetic energy, marvel, and unadulterated love of children born in the 21st century.
I live my life, having been shaped by the love of both great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, children, and grandchildren. Six generations in succession; three before, and two after.
Suspended in time, as I am, I watch from my peculiar perspective as the world unfolds.
I see a few constants. I see a Star for the navigation of my soul. I see both love and hatred weaving their way through history.
Yet, I have my fixed point in time and space as a reference.
I have the shared knowledge of family; their horrific trials, true triumphs, and wrenching tragedies.
Reaching into the 18th century is an understatement, in that I have heard family stories from a time known only to historians and 9th-grade history students.
My knowledge of time is telescopic.
Polaris- the North Star has been the guide for many a mariner.
I have a different guide for who I am.
I have a God-given family, which tethers my heart while fueling faith in Possibility.
I have an unusual gift.
I have ancient eyes.
I stand in this gap in time, and in wonder, I see the past and touch the future.
I am a time- gapper by gifted grace, anchored to HOPE for our Future by the sparkle in my granddaughter’s eye.