My new grandson; I don’t even know his name, but I see in his eyes that he loves me. I am loving him back. He wants to teach me ‘Cuban’ and Spanish so we can understand each other. He wants to learn English from me.
We need a common language.
Yesterday he walked in my office and asked me in Spanish how I was doing. I was caught off guard and couldn’t remember the correct answer so I answered him in German. “Es geht mir gut, und dir?” (I am good, and you?) His face changed through four emotions while I watched him. (1. Happy that he was talking to me (2. Confused that he didn’t receive the answer he anticipated (3. Terrified that he didn’t know this English (4. Amused when Victoria explained that I had answered his Spanish question in German.
Our entire exchange took fewer than two minutes, but it has made me laugh a hundred times since, as I envision his precious face, so transparently expressing his emotions. He so eagerly wants to communicate with me.
I pray for my new Nieto. Father let us keep this one.
We do, however, need a common language.
Yet, I believe we may have one; the language of love that is drawing us together.
Spoken. We need a common spoken language too. I find this so funny.