“I give glory to God.”
What absurd statements we often make…
What glory have we, that the God of Heaven would need to take?
Have I glory in the works of my hands?
Have I made, by my words, distant lands?
I’ve never given orders to the morning. I’ve never shown Dawn its place.
I’ve never cast from clay; humanity… or breathed life into its Race.
What is the way to the abode of Light? And where does darkness reside…?
I often find myself lost in the night, desperately needing a guide.
I give glory to God? What glory do I possess?
My strength to Him is weakness— my folly, His distress.
May He take the glory due to His own Name,
May I tell the story… that he took my blame.
Glory is HIS! His glory I see!
His loving kindness, revealed to me.