What is the voice in your head telling you? Is it rambling on, day after day, criticizing you and everyone around you?
Maybe it’s telling you that you are okay, but everyone else is crazy, wrong or insufficient.
Or the voice tells you that you are unloved or unlovable, you argue with it. “Well, I am not as bad as he is” or “Look at her. Thankfully, I am not as messed up as that!”
That voice.
Cycling through your thoughts like a marathon racer.
Do you recognize that the voice is a Lie?
Do you know that you have been programmed?
Maybe a parent, a teacher or a loved one programmed the voice in your head.
Maybe it was you.
Maybe it was Society, or Culture. Social Media may have told you, “You are not as happy as Others. Look at them. They have it All. Don’t you want that?”
You need to know, many times, the Voice in your head is The Big Lie.
The Big Lie wants nothing more than to belittle you in your own eyes. It wants you to find yourself as a lame victim of your terrible Circumstances.
OR, maybe The Big Lie wants to puff you up with ideas of how much smarter, more sufficient, richer, or better you are than everyone else.
The BIG LIE often tears you down, or puffs you up. Sometimes that Lie works both ways at the same time, and you become your own advocate against its hideous devastation of your soul. It accuses. You refute. It accuses. You refute. You are in fact better and smarter than everyone else.
Now, these thoughts starts cycling in your brain.
The Lie won.
You have been given the ability to take those thoughts captive. The Lies from evil; those thoughts: they are cycling through you in order to bind you. Though they are out to destroy you, if they bind you into a pattern of thinking, it is just as effective.
You, however have power over them! You can ‘call them out!’ You have the ability to shut them down. First though, you have to hear them. You have to know they are not who you are. You have heard them for so long, you may not even notice them.
Do you hear? “You are stupid.” “You are unimportant.” You aren’t good enough…”
On and on streaming on autoplay.
There is one thing that stops The Big Lie in its tracks.
Ultimate Truth.
Ultimate Truth is found as a Still Quiet Voice. It does not yell or scream through your thoughts. It does not cycle mercilessly. It does not demand that you listen. Instead, you must take action.
Read Ultimate Truth in the Bible. You must listen intently. At first it is very difficult. Replacing Lies with Truth takes effort because
you may not even hear the Lies anymore. They are an ingrained thought pattern; part of you.
Ultimate Truth is something you have to learn. As you learn it, as you begin memorizing it and accepting it, suddenly you are able to hear the ingrained Lies. Truth exposes Lies.
At this point, reject the lies. “I am not stupid.” ‘God will instruct me and teach me with his loving eye on me.’ (Psalms 32:8)
“I am unimportant.” The Bible tells me that God values me so much that he laid down his life for me. THAT is not unimportant.
Once you discover what the voice in your head has told you; the lies you have believed, you have a tool to refute those lies.
The Bible is called the Word of God. It illuminates. It shines light into dark hearts and sparks hope.
Find out who you are, and who you want to be by finding words of truth to replace lies you’ve believed.
You have become what the voice in your head tells you to be. You are a victim of your own thoughts.
Reprogram the voice that binds you.
Listen instead to the quiet Words of Truth. Memorize.
LOVE is reaching out to you.
Silence yourself and LISTEN.