Wisdom’s Call

Wisdom calls.

Where paths meet she takes her stand.

Wisdom’s voice is calling with this demand:

“Choose Wisdom not silver, knowledge not gold.

True wealth is something you cannot hold.”

Wisdom directs; “hate evil, fear the LORD.”

In listening hearts true treasure is stored.

Be filled with delight, rejoice in the day.

Seek Wisdom, and ask her, know her, and pray.

Seek her in the streets, find her at her door.

The favor she grants is knowledge, and more.

Wisdom CALLS.

Listen to hear.

Wisdom hopes

To draw you near.

(Proverbs 8)

Author: Jana Horton

I write to soothe my soul. I empty my words onto napkins, scraps of paper, receipts... anything really. When I was very young my mom told me to stop writing on my hand. I never did. I write on it to this day. I’ve lost so many scraps of Self on soggy napkins; I’ve yet to lose my hand. The words I scribble there may wash off, but since they are inscribed in my soul, once they are released, from heart to hand, I am allowed to let them go.

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